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Donate or Sponsor

Oftentimes, when trying to access programs and supports, funding can be a barrier. However, we want to help anyone who needs us, reducing barriers to access, and we strive to help those who need support for their mental health.


The programs we offer are designed to help with socialization, life skills, coping strategies for mental illnesses. The more people we can reach, the better! We start our programs with youth, so that we can offer support from a young age, and continue to offer lifelong support. 


We want to offer support to everyone. We never deny access to our services- but a lack of funding restricts the amount we're able to do.  Your donations and sponsorships enable us to give our services to those without access to funding, either temporarily or not, that we normally could not offer. 


We want to thank everyone who supports us in our goal of assisting all those who need us.

Sponsor a Child or Adult Program

Not all of those who want to attend, or would benefit from our programs, can. Sometimes funding can be a barrier, and it's one we want to overcome.  We always have clients waiting to attend, or those who wish to attend but can't.To donate and sponsor a member, fill out our form!


Link on photo.

Planting a Tree

Sponsor an Activity

We love to have our members out in the community! We want to do as many activities as we can together, from swimming to bowling, or going to the movies. Costs can be prohibitive to doing it too often however.  Yet getting active has mental health benefits, and getting out into the community offers fun and skills we couldn't teach otherwise. If you wish to sponsor an activity, that allows us to do more! Thank you for your help.


Link on photo.

Beach Ball in Pool

One Time Donation

If you would prefer to offer a one time donation to our center, please contact us. We appreciate all support, and we want to thank you for your kindness.

Yellow Flower
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